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John Nichols: Avoid sequester cuts by taxing Wall Street

Sequestration threatens to cut vital public services and undermines the economy in order to achieve budget priorities that benefit Wall Street while damaging Main Street.

The Cap Times

There Is No Other Planet We Can Go To

With the magnificent expanse of the Golden Gate Bridge as backdrop and pathway, nurses from across the U.S. rallied on Thursday to call an end to the Keystone XL Pipeline project, a ghastly effort to transport poisonous tar sands 1,700 miles from Canada to Texas, exposing hundreds of communities en route to calamitous spills, ruined water systems and deleterious health effects. Nurses also called for an end to the politics of austerity, one that puts the false choices – jobs through environmental degradation – before us. “Nothing related to Keystone XL is good for our families, our communities, or our planet,” announced Debra Burger, RN and NNU co-president from the rally stage. “From extraction to transport to refining, tar sands oil will exacerbate our current health emergency…. This is a clear and present danger to public health.”

National Nurses United

Update on RNRN Team in the Philippines

The first dedicated RNRN team arrived in the Philippines on Friday and hit the ground running, meeting with disaster relief officials and community supporters, and providing hands on work at a makeshift tent clinic.

RN Response Network -- CNF/NNU

USC Verdugo Hills RNs Offer Assistance and Assess Health Risks of L.A. Oil Spill

After learning this morning of the second major oil leak in L.A. in less two months, some of the newest members of CNA rushed to the scene to offer assistance and assess the health risks associated with a gushing leak coming from a ruptured above-ground pipeline. The newly elected Bargaining Team nurses from USC Verdugo Hills had a scheduled meeting less than half a mile from the spill at the CNA Glendale office to prepare for negotiations with management of the recently unionized hospital. Sandy Mulcahey, RN and Erica Beltran, RN arrived to find a massive cleanup underway. The nurses gathered information from LAPD and LAFD officials, who thanked the RNs for their assistance.

California Nurses Association

Nurse Talk Recaps NNU Ebola Rally & National Day Of Action

Features highlights from Executive Director of NNU, Rose Ann DeMoro’s Rally Speech

National Nurses United

Sutter’s Fine - What Else Are They Hiding at Alta Bates?

More than a dozen nurses from Sutter corporation’s Alta Bates Summit Medical Center gathered outside the facility’s Oakland hospital Wednesday afternoon to alert the public to ongoing safety problems at the hospital – even after it was slapped with a maximum fine by the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA).

California Nurses Association

A Historic Night to Remember at Kaiser's Los Angeles Medical Center

It was past midnight Thursday night ebbing into Friday morning when CNA/NNU Executive Director RoseAnn DeMoro announced the report of the final numbers from the vote count at Kaiser Permanente’s flagship Southern California hospital.

California Nurses Association

RN DeAnn McEwen talks about the Zika Virus

What you need to know about the Zika Virus. RN and Nurse Practice Safety Specialist for National Nurses United, De Ann McEwen talks about the Zika Virus.

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio

What Employers Should Do to Protect Nurses from ZIKA

In the wake of new cases of ZIKA being reported in the U.S. and other countries, National Nurses United issues guidelines to employers on how to protect nurses from ZIKA transmission.

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio