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Navajo Nation RNRN Deployment Report

RNRN/NNU nurses just returned from a deployment providing medical assistance at the 70th annual Navajo Nation fair in Window Rock, Arizona. Our team consisted of RNs from California, Colorado, Louisiana and Oregon.

National Nurses United

‘Access’ to Buying Insurance is Not Health Coverage

A signature exchange early in the first Senate hearing Wednesday for Rep. Tom Price in his nomination to be the next Health and Human Services Secretary illustrates a lot about our still damaged healthcare system, and how it could now get much worse.

NNU Executive Director, RoseAnn DeMoro, Contributing to Huffington Post

Join us for this Special Edition podcast "The Politics of Healthcare"

A few weeks ago Executive Director of CNA/NNU, RoseAnn DeMoro, spoke at the State Democratic Convention. Let's just say—she didn't mince her words and delivered a strong and forceful message to the crowd. Here are some of her comments.

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio

Destruction RNs have witnessed in Puerto Rico

'The People of Puerto Rico Are Dying': Action Is Needed Now

Crowd funding. A Costco Card. The water in a nurse’s own backpack. These are the resources available to volunteer nurses on the ground in Puerto Rico — where 85 percent of the island is still without power and where the official death toll has risen to 48.

Bonnie Castillo, Director of RN Response Network

NNU Executive Director, RoseAnn DeMoro

Great Leaders Never Retire, They Just Go “On Call”

It was 1986. Registered nurses at the University of California medical centers had just two years earlier won the right to join the California Nurses Association — a soft landing at a time there was little distinction between the monarchial culture of the UC administration and the governance of the CNA, which included many UC nurse managers and educators.

Charles Idelson

Nurses Oppose Kavanaugh

Supreme Court Blog: We want healing, not a cover up.

As registered nurses, who believe in treating and healing wounds, not covering them up, we condemn the rushed and frantic process to approve Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court.

National Nurses United

Bottle of pills

Is Medicare for All ‘disruptive’? Not more than medical bankruptcy or death

David Wichmann, CEO of the corporate giant UnitedHealth Group, recently cautioned against the “wholesale disruption” of American health care, should Medicare for All be enacted. There’s something surreal about a man who earned $18.1 million in 2018 warning that changing the deadly, unfixable health care system that made him rich—would be too jarring.

Bonnie Castillo, RN, Executive Director of National Nurses United

Urgent Appeal from Japan's RNs and Other Medical Unions

In the wake of the devastating earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear accident that hit northeastern Japan this month, Japanese nurses and other medical workers are requesting donations to help with the recovery effort for the embattled nation.

Japanese Federation of Medical Workers’ Unions

Making Ourselves Sick with Their Worry? Not Any More

For some time now, my disabled and retired machinist husband has watched with amusement when stock markets crash and rebound and broad financial indicators stutter and stammer. He has lived a lifetime of economic stress and difficulty and never once has he seen his personal wealth or lack thereof be of any great concern for those who trade and win and lose large sums of money in our world.


I Dreamed About My Cancer Docs Last Night

My sleep was restless last night except for the snippets of scenes where I was being tended to by my cancer doctors from some time ago. In those dreams they cared for my body and comforted my fears as we worked together to overcome my illness. Of course time had changed things a bit and their offices were interwoven with the sweet things only dreams can infuse, but it sure was nice to revisit a time in my medical life when the system was even a little less broken than it is today. Don’t get me wrong, the bills were crushing then and some of the barriers daunting, but the slide to an even more difficult healthcare system for patients and our providers continues and deepens.

NNU Blog by Donna Smith